The GPR Digest

Struggling to stay up-to-date with the news? Want to know more about what’s going on in our community, our country, and our world, but not sure where to start? Subscribe to the GPR Digest—a weekly briefing of the most important news stories pertaining to Athens, Georgia, the U.S., and the world. We monitor the news for you, cut through the flood of information, and present a bias-free picture of what’s happening.

The GPR Digest is maintained by the Georgia Political Review. GPR is the University of Georgia’s foremost student-run nonpartisan political publication. We publish quality original content from UGA undergraduates in the fields of political science, international affairs, history, and economics. You can find our work in our print magazine, which is published biannually, and on our website.

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The Georgia Political Review's weekly update of what's going on in Georgia, the U.S., and the world. We summarize the most important events from UGA to the international stage and keep you up to date on our analysis and events.


The University of Georgia's premier magazine publishing articles on politics, international affairs, economics, and culture—written, edited, and published by students.